Otto's Diary

  Otto's Diary - the diary of a very special Hungarian Vizsla puppy
  24th October 2016
Morning walk and training session in the park, had a lovely play with Smuggler a Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy who is just a week younger than me. He came running up while I was doing my long line work so I tied him up while we rough and tumbled so mum had to take my line off so we could play together. He is getting big now but I could still flatten him and got to sit on him for a bit. After than we came home for breakfast and now it's time for a nap while mum gets back to filling boxes for the move to the countryside. The kitchen and garage are full of boxes and she still hasn't finished, the lounge looks no different so Max and I are happy she hasn't put us in boxes YET!
31st August 2016
Playing stooge dog again, this time at Heathrow Airport to do a conformation and behavioural test on a dog which was supposed to be a vizsla cross staffie! Well that's what her import papers said..... Oh no she wasn't... she was a very nervous "Dog of Type" - otherwise know as a pit bull. I did amazingly well and behaved like a pro, plus I got lots of cuddles from the police officer just because I'm just so perfectly lovely!
22nd August 2016 After my morning walk, breakfast and a quick snooze, I went out in Colin's van for my first "stooge" dog training session. The session wasn't with Chihuahua's after all as Colin said but two Shih Tzu's. I did very well (Colin's words, so high praise indeed) for a bouncy puppy who is still all legs and ears, none of which are co-ordinated with any other. The two little fluffy dogs had very tempting tails but I resisted the urge to play with their tails even though they were very tempting indeed. I got told off straight away and then I ran around in the paddock but they were not up for playing with me, so I played with mum and my ball on a rope. She's rubbish at throwing and one time it went over the fence - think she was just eyeing up the fencing myself instead of concentrating on me as I heard her telling Colin she wants to go back to measure it up! Oh well, I will get to go there again as there is lots of dogs to play with and it was a nice change. Maybe next time we will take Max and I can play with his tail as he never tells me off. Came home and mum ordered me a new collar as this webbing one is starting to rub at my fur so I'm getting a lovely padded, hand stitched leather one :-) I am one spoilt puppy dog but then again, I do like it that way.
16th August 2016 We are off to Cheshire again, this time for Violet's birthday As my little mate Snoopy the beagle is poorly with kennel cough we won't be staying with nanny, Irene and Snoopy but with Margaret & Helen. This should be fun as there is always things on the floor that I could get into :-)
12th August 2016 Had an early start as mum had to go somewhere this morning so there wasn't the usual gang in the park. At lunchtime she was back and we went back to the park for our training session and a play - there was a naughty dog that wanted to bite me but mum sorted it out and told the owner off then when it came to get me again, she really sorted it out! She's so brave and made sure I was behind her and kept this dog away from me so I was safe
3rd August 2016 I'm 16 weeks old today, I've more than doubled in size so it's time for a much bigger crate for in the house. Max keeps trying to get in my new crate as he fits in this one... I'm making sure he keeps out as its all mine with my lovely bedding and toys and my safe place to have my yummy bones and treats in safe from police dogs who want to pinch them (mentioning no names MAX)
15th July 2016
Mum and I set off to go up North for another busy weekend, firstly we had a Dog Display to do on Saturday and then to Cheshire Dogs Home on the Sunday for a fun day to raise money for some poor dogs who don't have loving homes like me yet. I did really, really well on my first dog display with the fantastic Cheshire Dog Display Team and met some lovely dogs and people. I even had another photo shoot with Sue Williams who is the Chair of the Guild of Dog Trainers and mums friend :-) Her husband Derek who is the Boss of the display team said I did a fantastic job and that I was a lovely puppy. Think he wanted to pinch me really but mum wouldn't have allowed that. On the Sunday I got to meet the lovely vet nurse Rachel Bean at the dogs home, she's also a friend of mums and the lady who runs the dogs home - again one of mums friends. I think she knows just about everyone! I got lots of cuddles as always and I was sort of good, well it was a bit muddy.
5th July 2016
Well I've had a very busy weekend, we all went off on Saturday morning as usual for our walk in the park before breakfast. I met a very nice rough Collie and was a good boy as I got treats off mum then played with some other dogs and had a run around with them. After breakfast, mum and Colin loaded stuff into the car and then took down my house crate to put it in the van. I had to help out of course - I didn't realise when mum does this it turns into a tunnel and had to show Max how to do it so he could join in the fun too! Anyway once mum stopped us playing, Max and I got in our boxes in the van and we went for another walk in the forest and I was allowed off lead for sniffs which was great fun. Then after that we went to meet a nice lady at THE KENNELS. Mum was worried about leaving me but I was with my big brother Max so I knew I was ok (or was she worried about Max having to put up with me all the time? I had my lunches with the ladies at the kennels and got to play with all of them as I was the only puppy there :-) Mum says I have been spoilt too much and been able to get away with murder but I haven't murdered anyone so I don't know what she means. Mum and Colin had to go to something called A WEDDING which was a long way away then mum had to go to the hospital which is like the vets. I wonder if she got treats like I do? Don't think so as she came to pick me and Max after that and didn't look that good and was not happy that I'd lost some of my toys
2th June 2016
She who must be obeyed has been a bit poorly of late with her "head", 3 days of her in a blindfold for most of the day. Roll on when she gets to see her new consultant she says. Anyway I've been ok, playing with Colin and Max some of the time and Colin has walked me when she's been very, very poorly and not up to the job so I'm ok but it's not been as much fun as when mum takes me out. I'm now carrying my squeaky Kong toy to the park (mum says I'm just like my proper mum and that makes her smile). I got a new lovely beef pipe to chew on yesterday and did some more training - working on my stand. Mum says I'm now anticipating what she wants so she's not too happy this morning but at least she looks a bit more human and can manage the daylight (paws crossed no more bright light, bright light syndrome)
19th June 2016
At DogFest with mum, have had lots and lots of cuddles, been photographed doing weaves for a National Newspaper (silly man thought I would be allowed to JUMP and do all sorts of things even though mum and the other dog trainers kept telling him that I'm only 10 weeks old..... Also had to have my photo shoot on the Natural Instinct Stand - having my lunch of all things....I mean there was no privacy so I gobbled it all up really quickly so they had to be quick with the camera to get their pictures ha ha ha! I'm such a diva but got lots of cuddles and treats from all the lovely people at the stand, think I was their favourite puppy for sure with all my wrinkles :-)
16th June 2016
We are off to DogFest to see some chap called Noel off the telly. Mum has had a busy morning, loading up the car with stuff for our journey up North. She still hasn't finished as she has been fitting it in between the heavy rain. I've been helping her out while she chopped up my yummy chicken heart treats - well they were not all going to fit in the plastic tub so I had to help out. I did some nice sits, downs and now starting on the stand, this is really important mum says. Just had lunch so off for a nap while it rains again. Don't like this rain much but mum has a big cover thing she can hold up to keep me dry if I need a wee (just have to remember not to go too ) Nap time as all this training has worn me out.
14th June 2016 This morning I went to the park again and met some more people and dogs but no pictures I did do a very long recall to mum which was good and there was lots of cut grass for me to play. Colin wanted me to play with a ball but the grass is much better. After breakfast I had a snooze so mum could go shopping for people food - she says she has to stock up now as soon we will be going on a long trip up north so need to leave stuff for Colin to eat while we are away. My food had already been delivered from the lovely people at Natural Instincts. I'm going to meet them at the weekend so I've been told if I am very good will get some more little fishes which I like so I can't wait. I'm sure I will get lots of cuddles too.
13th June 2016
Been a busy few days, been out in a coat to the park because it was raining and did some off lead work with mum. The next day had a long trip up to Colin's friends place to meet a Bavarian Mountain Hound called Hugo and had a nice play with him. I also met a police dog called Chaos who ran around the pond with Hugo at break neck speed so I just looked on from the side lines. I saw some chickens and some baby ducks and was very good. There were some sheep too, mum wasn't happy with Colin as he let me eat sheep poo (which I thought was very nice). Mum has some video's to edit but she will get round to that sometime maybe. Today Max and I went to a country park, I did some more off lead walking and met some cows - one even licked me. I was very, very good so we went to the tea rooms and I got treats while mum had a coffee. Got lots of pictures which mum and Colin will have to sort out for me.
10th June 2016
Yesterday was a hectic one to say the least, so much in one day I was a pooped little puppy dog and slept all the way through the night. First it was up for a walk and then back for breakfast then off in the car to Doreen's for a visit. I got to see a man cutting the hedges with loud hedge cutter things, I was a little cautious at first as the man was on a platform - not sure about people on ladders yet. I then got to sit in my crate with the tail gate up listening to the heavy traffic and watching a man paint a fence - it was ok to start but watching a man paint a fence is quite boring, so I had a snooze till it was lunch time. Mum and Colin were busy doing something, not sure what but every now and then mum put something else on the back seat of the car. As it was a lovely day, I had lunch on the patio and went back to watching the world go by while mum had a cup of tea, then we went home to see Max. Max went out for his walk and I just snoozed, mum woke me up and I went out again but this time in Colin's van. It's not as nice and comfy as mum's car and I didn't like it much. It was only a short drive - we went to THE BEACH it was fun. I met some nice dogs and there was some scary one's so I didn't say hello to them but I did have fun. I was a bit braver coming back in the van (still don't like it though), had my tea and went to my crate for a well deserved sleep.
8th June 2016 Mum was very mean first thing this morning she didn't give me my breakfast straight away I had to wait like Max does. I soon found out why. Today I got to go out on a lead, mum took me to the park, Colin and Max came too. I got to meet some new doggy friends and play with Mum, running after her when she kept running away from me, she calls it recall, I call it just keeping up with Mum. I came home and had my breakfast and then have took a nice nap in my crate. Once l'd had my nap, l did a few sits and downs for mum as they seem to make her happy because she took me back to the park but this time on my own - no Colin and Max so we had a play in the daisies before we came home for lunch.
5th June 2016 Today has been fun and games in the sunshine apart from my naps of course. We did some more sit, fetch and coming back to mum when called (she's got a silly name for it but she is only a human). We had another trip out in the car to the "pet shop", I had to be carried of course which was no fun as I wanted to get down and run about. I did get to meet some nice human's who gave me cuddles. I got my very own dog tag, mum said I'm all ready now for Wednesday - don't know what that's all about but she seems to looking forward to it. Max has had his bandage taken off now and his fur has all gone, mum won't let me anywhere near him yet - maybe she doesn't want my fur to fall off too. I'm not really happy with Max anyway as he keeps pinching my beef pipes out of my crate and gobbling them all up - he's had 2 of them so far. I'm playing snoring now, mum wants to give me my dinner but I'm just not quite ready for it so I'm making her wait! Can you believe it, I've been here now for just over a week!
3rd June 2016
Due to technical difficulties, I couldn't load my video yesterday, will try and sort it later when the tech support isn't as tired. I actually slept for a whole 6 hours last night and as a prize for being a good boy, Colin's mum came to visit me. I was asleep when she arrived so she had chance for a catch up with mum before I woke up - then I had her all to myself without that chatting going on. For lunch I had my natural instincts food and some yummy dried whitebait. Mum doesn't like these that much as they keep watching her but I love them. Max is getting a bit better and now has a cow bandage on his leg so I'm still not allowed to play with him. He's only after my beef pipe and I'm not letting him have it. My sits are coming along nicely and I'm still a clean boy - no piddle in the house from me. Mum is looking very tired though but she says I am worth it. Mum also said she's going to set up my own blog page on the website so I don't have to keep pinching her Facebook page - I don't see why I can't have both!
1st June 2016 Only got up once last night to powder my nose, mum got no sleep at all as Max didn't have a good night. He wanted to go out for his walk but he's on garden rest for 4 days and doesn't like going in the garden so l showed him how to do it and at long last he did it. After breakfast l had another trip out in the car with mum to Poole to a motor bike shop. I didn't get to go in as we were only giving Colin a lift back, we have to go get his bike later so l'll be having another trip but not till after l have to go to meet my new vet for my jabs. Just had a training session with Colin and mum, was biting Colin to show him how sharp my little teeth are :-) did some sits and retrieves for mum then playing again with mum before my nap.
31st May 2016 Day 3 Loving my special new food, ate all my breakfast while Max was on his walk. Think he may have been naughty because he go no breakfast when he got back. He went to the vets and still isn't back yet and l've had my lunch, tea so just dinner left. Been doing some training today in the house as its raining so l'm a tired boy now. Off to sleep for a little while. Maybe Max will be back when l wake up. This is the yummy food l get, its delicious - roll on tea time
30th May 2016 Day 2 of my big adventure. I slept in my crate all night like a good puppy, l knew Max was close by in his bed as l could hear him breathing. My new mum had covered my crate with a blanket so l would settle down. She was a little mean l think because when l woke up to go for a wee, she took me out to my spot and l did what l needed to do which l was praised for but then wouldn't play with my toys - she put me straight back to bed! I tried it again a bit later on but the same thing happened so l eventually gave up and stayed asleep then till 8am as l was a tired little puppy. I did have the most delicious breakfast ever. Max was shut in the other room so he couldn't pinch it. I ate the lot then went outside to toilet. We had games then a quick nap till lunch. Didn't eat much lunch, mum's not worried as l've taken myself off to my crate for a sleep. It could be l was tired or prefer the nice stuff l had for breakfast rather than my fishy stuff.
29th May 2016
l thought yesterday was a big day as my brothers, sisters and l all had a bath! My human mum said l wasn't the biggest baby so that was ok. TODAY was a very big day. We only got small breakfast which we were not happy with but thought we'd be getting something special after our nap. A lady and a man came and went to see mum & dad, they had to wait a bit for mum as she was making herself beautiful in her bedroom while our human dad cleaned out her run. Then my human mum came in and got me out of my warm comfy spot in amongst my litter mates and took me into the house once l had been to the toilet of course. Here's me and my human mum. My day got even bigger, l had cuddles with the lady and the man while the lady did something called paperwork, then l got more cuddles with the lady who was nice so l gave her one of my best kisses. She is going to be my new human mum. I then went on a big adventure in a car. There was a big crate in it with a comfy bed, a big blanket that smelled of my nice lady and my baby blanket. I had new toys too! l did cry for a bit but then played with my new toys till l fell asleep. We stopped a couple of times for 'comfort' breaks till we ended up in a sunny warm place called Bournemouth. Here l have another crate and more toys and a huge hairy dog called Max (he's even bigger than mum & dad) but he was really nice to me. And let me play with one of his toys when the man took Max out for his walk. Then l got more play time after a little nap in the sun shine.
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